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Cheeki Monkeys Booking Terms and Conditions

Stall Bookings: Bookings are received strictly on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and are subject to availability. Stalls should be booked in advance as many of our events are fully booked prior to the event taking place. All stall bookings should be made by means of our secure online booking system. The booking is not executed until payment has been received and stall fees are non-refundable so please make sure that you are available to attend on the event date. Cash transactions on the day of the event will NOT be accepted. We will confirm your booking via email, please make sure that your email address at the time of booking is correct. If you have not received an email from the event organiser within seven days, please contact the event organiser direct to confirm your booking.


Booking/Service Fee: Cheeki Monkeys have partnered with BookingHound and Stripe to handle all of our customers online payments to provide a better checkout experience for our customers. This allows us to remove the concern of processing highly sensitive data. Your financial details will never reach our servers, this course of action makes sure that your card is processed securely and safely.


Stripe is one of the fastest growing payment processing platforms in the UK. Stripe provides the technical, fraud prevention and banking infrastructure required to operate on-line payment systems.


All bookings carry a single booking/service fee of 3.5% (minimum £1.00) of the gross fee per transaction. The booking fee is applied to cover overheads that our booking platform partner incur with each transaction. The booking/service fee is non-refundable, see further information here.


Booking/Service fee examples:

Pre-loved stall fee @ £12.00 > the booking/service fee is £1.00
Craft stall fee @ £22.80 > the booking/service fee is £1.00
Business stall fee @ £34.80 > the booking/service fee is £1.22


Are my debit/credit card details safe? Yes. Your payment details are taken through a secure system operated by BookingHound who are PCI Compliant. In other words, BookingHound has to pass rigorous tests to ensure that they achieve the high standards and legal requirements of compliance with the Payment Cards Industry (PCI). When you make a payment online, you can rest assured that both your personal and your payment details are completely secure. In addition, Cheeki Monkeys does not store or hold any of your card information.


Refusal of Booking: Cheeki Monkeys reserve the right to reject bookings, on the grounds that the type of business or craft stall being booked is unsuitable for the market or due to the previous conduct by a stallholder or for any other reason given by Cheeki Monkeys.


Stall Hire Fee Includes:

  • Where appropriate; one table, the size of the table may vary depending on the venue, an example of an average size table is approximately 1.8m x 0.6m (6’ x 2’). Please check with your event organiser to see if a table is included with your stall fee, if not you will need to bring your own table. Tablecloth NOT included.

  • An additional half a metre (approximately) of floor space either end of your table. This space can be used for a clothes hanging rail (NOTE: not round or over-sized), if you don’t have a clothes rail, a clothes maiden may be suitable. A single buggy/pushchair or highchair could also fit in this space.

  • An additional half a metre (approximately) of floor space at the front of your table.

  • Storage space under your table and a space behind your table which could be used to display larger items such as cots and playpens etc. Larger items should be dismantled, we advise attaching a photo to the item, presenting it when erected.

  • Where appropriate; one or two chairs as required. Please check with your event organiser to see if chairs are included with your stall fee, if not you will need to bring your own chairs.

  • FREE entry for the stallholder and ONE ‘helper’.


Business Stallholders: Business flyers or vouchers can be displayed on our admission table. Business stallholders can hand out flyers and information from their stalls, but must not walk round the venue handing out flyers or information to shoppers. A space for a display behind your stall is acceptable (display to be provided by you).


Stall Planning: The Cheeki Monkeys Event Organiser reserves the right to decide the arrangement and allocation of stalls on market days.


Stallholder Refunds: The Event Organiser’s job is to provide an event for traders to sell and customers to visit. The Event Organiser cannot be held responsible for the lack of sales or the number of customers. Therefore, in the instance that the stallholder is not happy with the amount of customers that attend an event, stall fees are non-refundable.


Stallholder Non-attendance: If a stallholder is not able to attend a market they have pre-booked for, the stallholder fee is non-refundable. We may consider a transfer to another market date, pending availability and circumstance. 


Market Cancellation & Refunds: Should a Cheeki Monkeys market be cancelled, stallholders/advertisers will receive a 100% refund of the booking fee paid. The booking/service fee is non-refundable. However, should a Cheeki Monkeys market be cancelled due to a Force Majeure event as defined below, stallholders/advertisers will not be an issued with a refund but will be able to transfer their booking to a future event at no extra cost.


Pre-loved Stallholders Can Sell: Quality pre-loved goods relating to maternity, babies, toddlers, and children up to the age of 9 years.


Craft and Business Sellers Can Sell or Promote: New or hand crafted items relating to maternity, babies, toddlers, and children up to the age of 9 years and services relating to maternity and young families. Please note: Business stalls are free to give out information via flyers/bags etc. from their stall, but may not walk around the venue giving out information.


Business Stallholders Insurance Required: All business stallholders MUST forward a copy of their certificate of Public Liability Insurance to Cheeki Monkeys prior to the market day.


All Stallholders Cannot Sell: Items or services unrelated to maternity, babies or young children, or items which are deemed to be broken, in poor condition, dangerous and in breach of Health and Safety legislation or trading standards advice. Cheeki Monkeys reserve the right to request that items be removed from sale if it is felt they do not adhere to the terms and conditions of Cheeki Monkeys standards and guidelines.


Batteries: All toys and baby items that require batteries must be offered for sale in full working order with batteries installed.


Stallholders Trading: To be fair to the market customers, stallholders are not allowed to shop from any other stallholders before the official market opening time. After opening time, stallholders are able to shop like all other customers. Due to health and safety regulations no stallholder is permitted to pack up before the market officially closes.


Setting-up: Our doors open to stallholders 1 - 1.5 hours before the doors open to the shoppers. This should allow plenty of time to set up your stall in a presentable manner. We suggest that you allow at least 1 hour for the preparation of your stall, so that you are fully geared up for the doors opening. Late arrivals will NOT be admitted within 30 minutes of the market opening time as this does not allow enough time to set up the stall in a safe and well-turned-out manner.


Packing-up: Stallholders must adhere to market opening hours and should pack up only when the organisers declare the venue closed and due to health and safety regulations must not leave the event early. Once the market has closed, stallholders and their belongings must vacate the building within 45 minutes.


Removal of Waste and Unsold Goods: Stallholders must remove all waste, litter and unsold items from the venue when leaving the event. Cheeki Monkeys reserve the right to dispose of any items left behind following an event. Please leave your stall area the way you found it.


Respecting the Venue: Stallholders will be financially accountable for any damages they cause to the market venue. It is NOT allowed to hang, stick, tape, glue, nail, screw or in any other way affix items to any wall, door, floor, curtain or any other part of the building during the event. Do NOT drag large items across the floors of the venue, if you cannot pick up an item by yourself, request help from one of the Cheeki Monkeys support staff.


Council Market Licensing Fees: In some areas of the UK, certain authorities may require that an Event Organiser needs to pay a licence fee to the council to the hold a market in their borough. Sometimes, the local authority will ask for a set fee per market, plus an extra fee per stall at the market. To help cover the cost of this fee an Event Organiser may request that all stallholders at the market pay an extra fee to the Event Organiser on the day of the market, this fee can range from £1.00 to £4.00 per stall. Please note that this is a very rare occurrence. To check if this fee is applicable for your event, please visit your individual event page on our website. If this fee is relevant to the market you will be attending, the amount of the fee payable will be stated on the event page and will also be quoted in your welcome email from your Event Organiser.


Transactions: All items are sold as seen. Cheeki Monkeys accept no responsibility for any transaction entered into at the market venue.


Disagreements: Cheeki Monkeys reserve the right to decide or arbitrate any dispute arising out of or in the course of the conduct of the market.


Refusal of Admission: Cheeki Monkeys reserve the right to refuse admission to the market to any person without giving any reason for the same and to eject or cause to be ejected any person and/or his/her goods and chattels without giving any reason for the same.


Security: Stallholders are responsible for their own stall security and monies. No responsibility is taken by the organisers for theft, loss or damage to items. Cheeki Monkeys accept no liability for the theft, loss or damage of any personal items for sale from the stallholder’s stalls or other items within the boundaries of the event. All persons who enter the market area do so at their own risk.


Health and Safety: Cheeki Monkeys are committed to providing, maintaining and promoting the highest standards of Health, Safety and Welfare at each event. Under Health & Safety legislation, Stallholders are responsible for the safety of their table/stall, i.e. setting items up in a safe & secure manner to avoid accidents and the stallholder agrees to indemnify Cheeki Monkeys against all claims arising out of negligence on the part of the stallholder and/or their helpers. Stallholders are responsible for all activities that take place on their stall throughout the event and any actions that could affect others as a result of their activity. Stallholders who do not adhere to these guidelines will be asked to leave the event. If you choose to bring along children at the event, it is the stallholder’s responsibility to ensure their safety and well-being is met at all times during the event. Although, if possible during the time of the event, stallholders should try and find someone to look after their children.


Liability: The stallholder agrees to indemnify Cheeki Monkeys and event organisers against all claims for damages or injury to the property or person of any persons in respect of any claim by any such person arising out negligence on the part of the stallholders and of any faulty or dangerous products sold by the stallholder or his agents or servants. Cheeki Monkeys and event organisers accept no responsibility for sellers' or buyers' property on the day of the event and accept no liability for loss or damage however caused. All persons who enter events do so at their own risk.


Illegal Activity: Cheeki Monkeys shall not be held responsible for the non-compliance by a stallholder with any Law, By-law, Regulation, Act or Statute.


COVID-19 Customer Responsibility/Guidelines:

All bookings are on the basis that the customer will, at all times, observe the safety regulations set by the event organiser and adhere to safety instructions where given by the event organiser.


All customers should take responsibility for their own safety and that of any under 18’s accompanying them.


All customers should respect the environmental responsibilities of the venue and other customers and follow any social distancing measuressingle-direction traffic systems and one out-one in policies in place at the venue.


On entering and leaving the venue everyone should wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using soap and water or use hand sanitiser if hand washing facilities are unavailable. Follow the Catch It, Bin It, Kill It campaign to help prevent the spread of the disease. Always carry tissues and use them to catch your cough or sneeze. Germs can live for several hours on tissues. Dispose of your tissue as soon as you can in the bins supplied.


  • NO ONE should attend the event if they have symptoms of cough, fever, high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, breathlessness or flu like symptoms now or in the past 14 days prior to attending an event.

  • NO ONE should attend the event if they have been in close contact of a person who is a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 now or in the past 14 days (i.e. less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes altogether in 1 day) prior to attending an event.

  • NO ONE should attend the event if they have been advised by a doctor to self-isolate at the time of the event.


Prior to the day of the event, stallholders should freshly launder all clothing items, all other items should be wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes.


Stallholders should attend on their own where possible. Do not bring young children who would find social distancing difficult.


If the event is cancelled or postponed as a result of COVID-19, Force Majeure terms will come into effect.


Face Coverings

If you can, you should wear a face covering in enclosed public spaces where social distancing isn’t possible and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet, such as a community facility. This is most relevant for short periods indoors in crowded areas.

Evidence suggests that wearing a face covering does not protect you. However, if you are infected but have not yet developed symptoms, it may provide some protection for others you come into close contact with. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you and your household must isolate at home; wearing a face covering does not change this.


Face coverings do not replace social distancing. Even if a face covering is used, staff, event organisers and users of the space should continue to wash hands regularly and maintain social distancing. If users of the space choose to wear one, it is important to use face coverings properly and thoroughly wash hands before putting them on and taking them off.


Please note, a face covering is not the same as the surgical masks or respirators used by healthcare and other workers as part of personal protective equipment. These should continue to be reserved for those who need them to protect against risks in their workplace, such as health and care workers, and those in industrial settings, like those exposed to dust hazards.


Face coverings should not be used by children under the age of 3 or those who may find it difficult to manage them correctly. See a list of individuals this might apply to.


NHS Test and Trace Service

To support the NHS test and trace team respond to any local coronavirus outbreaks, businesses like ours have been asked by the government to collect basic contact details from their customers (name and contact number).


All bookings received contain contact details, they are stored in a GDPR safe environment. In the unlikely event of a local outbreak of the virus, your contact details may be requested by the NHS test and trace team.


The government has published a detailed overview of what NHS Test and Trace is and how it works, and the full guidance can be found on their website.


Symptoms of Covid-19
If anyone becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 (a new continuous cough or a high temperature) at the venue they should go home and be advised to follow the stay at home guidance. If they need clinical advice they should go online to NHS 111 (or call 111 if they don’t have internet access). In an emergency, call 999 if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk. They should not visit the GP, pharmacy, urgent care centre or a hospital.


Other people who may have been in contact with a person who has become unwell should wash their hands thoroughly after the interaction, but they do not need to take any other specific action unless they develop symptoms themselves or are advised to do so by NHS Test and Trace. If they do develop symptoms they should follow the stay at home guidance.


Force Majeure

'Force Majeure' means any circumstances which are beyond the control of Cheeki Monkeys and which are reasonably likely to affect the successful delivery of an event. Including, but not limited to any of the following:
Acts of God, flood, earthquake, windstorm or other natural disaster or adverse weather conditions;
any damage or other emergency relating to the Venue, or collapse of building structures or failure of machinery;
closure of roads or cancellation of any local travel services to the event;
interruption or failure of utility service, including but not limited to electric power, gas or water;
fire, explosion or accident;
epidemic or pandemic;
any law or government order, rule, regulation or direction, or any action taken by the government or public authority;
any labour dispute, including but not limited to strikes, industrial action or lockouts.


Cheeki Monkeys will use reasonable endeavours to give you reasonable advance notice if we believe a Force Majeure event may affect the event or require its cancellation or postponement. In such circumstances, we will co-operate with you to seek to find a suitable alternative date or location for the event.


If Cheeki Monkeys are required to change, cancel or postpone the event as a result of a Force Majeure event, we shall use all reasonable endeavours to seek alternative dates or a suitable alternative venue to hold the event.


If Cheeki Monkeys is prevented, hindered or delayed from performing any of its obligations under the Contract by a Force Majeure event, we shall not be liable for any such failure or delay in seeking alternative dates or locating suitable venues. You shall remain liable for the booking fees paid, stallholders/advertisers will not be an issued with a refund but will be able to transfer their booking to a future event at no extra cost.

Force Majeure

Sponsorship/Advertising Terms

Sponsorship and Advertising fees: The sponsor/advertiser agrees to pay a fee for the option(s) purchased.


The sponsorship/advertising fee is due in full at the time of booking and the fee is non-refundable unless the event is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.


Some bookings carry a single booking/service fee of 3.5% (minimum £1.00) of the gross fee per transaction. The booking fee is applied to cover overheads that our booking platform partner incur with each transaction. The booking/service fee is non-refundable, see further information here.


Cheeki Monkeys acknowledges and confirms that the sponsor/advertiser shall not be liable to Cheeki Monkeys or any other person for any additional cost or expense besides the sponsorship/advertising fee.


Market Sponsor: Market sponsor bookings are subject to availability and strictly on a 'first come, first served' basis.


Cheeki Monkeys obligations: In return for the sponsorship/advertising fee paid Cheeki Monkeys shall provide the sponsor/advertiser with the relevant benefits paid for as stated.


The event organiser will promote the event at the venue, wider community and online but can offer no guarantees regarding the number of visitors to the events.


The Sponsor/Advertisers obligations: Sponsors/advertisers agree that their company name, logo, images, text or videos may be used for promotional purposes. The sponsor/advertiser should provide their logos, flyers, posters, promotional items, wording for website adverts, and venue decorations where appropriate.


The Sponsor/Advertiser agrees to the terms of bookings above.

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Cheeki Monkeys is a trading name of FAIRSTANDARDS LTD. Registered address: 80 Trent Road, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 7YL

Registered in England & Wales 8162774 | VAT Registration Number 140 1988 22 | Data Protection Z3308534

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 © Cheeki Monkeys 2014 | Web Design: Cheeki Monkeys

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