Laura Goodlass is opening her own events after feeling isolated as a new mum.

An East Yorkshire mum who struggled to "fit in" after having her first child has come up with an idea to get parents socialising following the birth of their babies.
Laura Goodlass, 33, from Sproatley, said she felt "isolated" after becoming mum to Eva Rose Buchanan, who is now 10 months old, so came up with "Cheeki Mummies" events to help mum's socialise - and grab a bargain at the same time.
Laura said: "I thought it would be useful. The events used to be run by someone else but I've taken over now. It's to help and support new parents.
"When I first had my daughter I didn't feel confident anywhere and felt isolated going into a toddler group or somewhere where people already had a group of friends but then I thought, 'If I feel like this then others will?'
"It was when I didn't really know a lot of other mums and I wanted to help others get to know more people."

She said the groups will encourage people to talk to each other as they visit stalls and speak to customers. It is also a chance to get rid of any old gear that your baby might not need anymore.
"When I first started going to a few nurseries and sat on my own I felt like I was waiting for people to come and talk to me and some of my friends I would see them but then go to work.
"I still wanted to go out and mix with others and not be stuck in all the time. It helped me feel confident after a couple of times. This is a cheap and cheerful way to do it."
The first Cheeki Mummies event will be held at Bilton Village Hall on Saturday 9th Februrary 2019, from 2pm until 4pm. To book for all Laura's forthcoming events please visit https://www.cheekimonkeys.co.uk/calendar. Please also visit the Cheeki Monkeys Hull and East Riding Facebook page or email Laura at laura5.cheekimonkeys@gmail.com.