Do NOT overprice your items PRICE LOW!
Please be realistic about your pricing; remember it is primarily a secondhand sale and even though you may have LOVED an item that your child wore or played with, most buyers come to the events looking for a great deal or a bargain. Price low and sell oodles more.
Don’t worry, this does not mean you won’t make enough money; the most profitable stallholders are those who sell more items and sell them cheap. This works well for both stallholders and shoppers, as you make more money by selling volumes, the shoppers get more bargains and you don't have to take much (if anything) home with you!
As a stallholder you should be looking to recycle those unwanted items and make some money in the process. If you price your items too high, you could be going home with more than you anticipated.
Prices do differ from seller to seller but the majority of our stallholders concur that it is best to sell more items at a slightly reduced price than to mark them up higher and bring more home.

You are free to set your own prices and we recommend that you price your items at home before the day of the event.
Shoppers prefer it if everything has a price tag on it. If possible, place clearly visible price tags on your items.
Sellers often bundle items together, for instance dozens of toy cars and other small items, then place the goods in storage boxes and label the box “All items inside 50p” etc.
For the purpose of your float, it's good practice to price your smaller items in multiples of 50p and £1.
The bulk of high street items generally sell for around 25-30% of the original price. Designer brands and items in the original packaging can fetch more.
When deciding upon pricing, think about your own viewpoint... a good judgement is to ask yourself if would you be prepared to pay what you are charging for the item? "Would you buy it? Would you be prepared to pay that amount?". If the answer is NO, then the price is probably too high!
Many retail outlets including supermarkets are selling moderately priced baby & children’s clothes. If you are selling
clothes make sure that they are in good condition and sensibly priced. Our stallholders make good money on clothes by concentrating on selling clothes in bulk rather than trying to achieve high prices on individual items.
Playthings sell extremely well, just be realistic when calculating the price.
Boxed puzzles sell at a higher price than those without. Any loose parts should be attached securely or the entire item
should be displayed in clear plastic bags.
Large popular items including nursery equipment, pushchairs, bulky accessories and furnishings etc. can fetch higher prices depending on the condition of the item.
Items sell better & for more if instructions & guarantees are included.
Wipe over equipment and toys, wash and iron clothes, replace old batteries and make sure that everything is in full working order.
Your items should be in a good, clean and presentable condition. Only sell what you would buy yourself.